Inspiring Excellence & Innovation

The place for leading Digital Health Education – learn from those who do.

Friendly, understanding, experienced medical coding trainers and health informaticians
Innovative training tools and techniques to build skills for the digital health industry
Courses designed and delivered by world experts in their topic and education

Why Choose Us?

Learn from the Experts

eHE’s clinical coding and digital health courses are designed and delivered by international health informatics experts who also understand education. Build your skills and your network.

Our training packages cover formal qualifications but also “just in time” learning to build your skills in the workplace and help you deliver future focused solutions to your digital health dilemmas. You can select full courses or just do shorter components relevant to your work place problems.

Online learning doesn’t have to be a solo experience – our tutors are there to help you all the way. Where you prefer to study in your own time and at your own speed or to be given a timetable, our e-learning packages may be right up your street.

We also work collaboratively with a number of other training organisations and universities to support their development of high quality training packages.

Recent Awards

We are proud to announce that the EHE staff have received the HIMAA “Innovative Professional Practice of the Year” award for 2024.

Congratulations to Anna Coote who received a 2024 HIMAA National Award – Highly Commended for “Educator of the Year” and Elizabeth Barrett for receiving HIMAA’s “Best Professional Practice Abstract”.

You can read more about the celebrated members on the HIMAA website here.

Our Vision, Mission & Values

A digitally empowered and capable health workforce

Enable everyone to leverage digitally enabled high quality data and systems for value-based, person centred, predictive, participatory, purpose-driven, precision healthcare.

Our philosophy is to:

  • Share the knowledge and skills of world digital health experts with learners,  educators and others.
  • Focus on practical, success and future focused education for the healthcare workforce.

We are committed to delivering the latest theory and practical application of health informatics to support real advances in digital healthcare to prepare:

  • Decision makers,
  • Leaders and champions,
  • Those who need to build from initial skills to detailed specialization, and
  • Those given digital health tasks without much background in the area.

We will:

  • Help you learn,
  • Support you and help you to become independent learners ready for jobs in the real world,
  • Listen to your questions, suggestions and needs,
  • Maintain our currency in digital health advances so that we can bring you the latest proven solutions.

eHE’s values are to:

  • be friendly, innovative and supportive
  • be flexible, supporting vocational and conventional learning
  • go beyond the academic – our teachers are actively working to solve digital health problems (we teach from experience and research)
  • provide highest quality education – based upon international evidence, expertise and educational knowledge and skill

Bringing you international experience and innovation

Covering all areas of digital health, with new courses added regularly