About Us

Learn what you don’t even know you didn’t know
We offer the world’s best in high quality teaching and skill development
Friendly, understanding, experienced trainers and health informaticians.
Using innovative training tools and techniques to build skills for the digital health industry.
Providing courses designed and delivered by world experts in their topic and education.
Our Team
Heather Grain
Naarm, Kulin Nations (Melbourne, Australia)
Chief Executive Officer

Heather Grain has been recognised for her extensive career, with international expertise in the development, implementation, management and governance of digital health systems and data. Heather is also well-regarded for developing the skills of those entering the health informatics profession. A Fellow of the Australasian Institute of Digital Health, the impact of Heather’s contributions to digital health is in providing pragmatic improvements to the safety and quality of data throughout health care. She is one of very few people who fully understands the relationship between health concept representation formalisms and the various technologies associated with data capture, transfer, linking, mapping and use. Heather is an expert in writing standards regarding health information use in digital environments to ensure data accuracy following health data exchange. She provides leadership in many countries to assist a more practical digital health development focused on the future, not just for today, from assisting the Jamaican Ministry of Health to implement their digital ecosystem, to greatly influencing the standards community to integrate Traditional Chinese Medicine terminology with Western health terminology.
Dr Evelyn Hovenga
Naarm, Kulin Nations (Melbourne, Australia)
Chair of Board

Professor Hovenga is an a distinguished informatics author with more than 30 years experience. She has been recognised for her extensive and diverse career in digital health, founding and leading many organisations that have formed a foundation for Australian digital health activities and for her many international professional activities as a consultant, leader, advisor and member of the International Medical Informatics Association. Commencing her clinical professional life as a nurse, Dr Hovenga has fulfilled a variety of roles, including as a researcher, an eminent teacher and mentor of health informatics and digital health; establishing an online eHealth learning business that specialises in training courses in health informatics and coding; contributing to the development of a variety of national and international health data and digital health educational standards; working on vocabulary and EHR standards technical committees, developing workplans based on identified gaps, and ultimately the development of actual standards and handbooks.
Anna Coote
MHP, Dip Tert Ed, AssDip MRA, BA, Dip BEdit
Chief Coding Manager
Senior and highly experienced clinical coder, coding manager, auditor and educator for more than 30 years. Anna has worked in many cultures and countries and seeks innovative and quality approaches to improve the clinical coding workforce.
Our Credentials
Our educators and trainers have credentials that comply with Australian registered training organisations and University accreditation requirements. We have many years experience in the university environment and also work in conjunction with suitably qualified experts from around the world to develop top quality courses suited to industry need.
Our trainers/educators are able to interact securely with students anytime making use of a variety of broadband Internet technologies and devices. This ensures students can undertake their study anywhere, anytime to best suit their lifestyles and work commitments. All educational material is approved by our academic board prior to delivery; it is peer reviewed and updated on an annual basis.
eHE has an agreement with the Copyright Agency Limited (License number SE6682). This statutory license allows eHE to make copies of copyright works for educational purposes in accordance with the Copyright Act 1968 part VB.
RTO Accredited
Australian Certified RTO eHealth Education Pty Ltd (eHE) has been re-registered to 2027 by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) in June 2020 – Certification
Audit History
- 2017 Updated Certification to 2027
- 2010 Audit Report – NTIS AUDIT 32279-1A AQTF audit report initial registration initial
- 2015 ASQA Audit report and Registration Certificate
VET Quality Framework compliance – the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF), reflects the national policy for regulated qualifications in Australian education and training. It incorporates the qualifications from each education and training sector into a single comprehensive national qualifications framework.
Our Vision
A health industry workforce able to design and use health data, information and knowledge and the technologies which support them
Our History
eHE was established in 2008 by experienced university educators and administrators who have worked around the world, teaching a broad range of health and other topics. Our objective is to deliver high quality education in a flexible manner designed to meet the needs of the evolving workplace.
We play a central role in identifying national health informatics competency needs. We specialize in the development of standards for digital health, engaging directly with the world’s best. This experience supports our educational program development activities. Our research and development work builds our knowledge base and informs our publications and course content development activities and produces tools in simulated digital health environments.