Digital Health
Our Digital Health courses are designed to enable data driven decision making by all members of the health workforce, and inform the design, implementation and use key building blocks for a well-connected data driven Digital Health Ecosystem.
“Digital health is about counteracting the waste. People make the same mistakes in healthcare data and system design, over and over rather than learning the lessons. We have chosen to work with standards and education as a mechanism to help make change happen.” Heather Grain
“Digital health has the potential to achieve transformed mindsets amongst high level decision makers, who can influence global and local jurisdictional and organisational digital health strategies.” Evelyn Hovenga
Learn how to design, adopt and use digital technologies by choosing any one of our short, focused courses developed by the world’s best – learn from those who have done it!

Learn more about digital health from our textbook:
Scientific underpinnings of Health Data Science:
Health concept characteristics, application, work/information flows and technical relationships within a well-connected and supported digital ecosystem infrastructure.
Who Needs Digital Health Knowledge and Skills?
The Health workforce in need of Digital Health Knowledge and skills includes Clinicians, Managers, Health Information Managers, Researchers, Public Health Practitioners, IT Specialists, Software designers and programmers, Procurement Officers, Senior Executives, Policy Developers, Public Service Administrators and more. They collectively need to:
- Enable and support the provision of person centred, precision, participative, preventive, and predictive health and medical care
- Optimise population health, quality care and support service provision, at minimal cost
- Manage cyber security and ensure ethical data management and use
- Generate the evidence to meet every decision maker’s needs
- Attain a well connected, fully interoperable digital health ecosystem
This requires every clinical discipline to adopt an evidence based practice ethos and be enabled and digitally supported to collect, use and document data/information for:
- Assessment and planning
- Applying prior knowledge to new information
- Data driven planning and decision making
- Team interactions, communication, collaboration
- Documenting what activities need to be undertaken and when
- Undertake interventions (implementation)
- Comply with ethical/legal data use principles
- Evaluate and research best practice (generate new knowledge for continuous improvement and quality management)
Digital Technology Adoption and Effective Use Dependencies
Digital technologies need to be well designed and be supported by the provision of national Internet access, reliable energy (electricity) supplies at any health service location, legislation, National/State/Territory management and policy initiatives based on its digital health strategic directions including:
- Unique identifiers
- Federated vendor/technology neutral data storage facilities
- Mandated concept representation standards structured according to agreed information models
- Data access and technical conformance requirements and assessment processes
- Cybersecurity provision
- Governance Requirements & Conformance Assessments
Key Digital Health Buildings Blocks able to support a well connected data driven digital health ecosystem are outlined in the accompanying diagram.

Global and National Infrastructure Building Blocks
The development and management of these critical building blocks must be mandated and compliance assessed by Governments through policy directions, legislative and associated governance methods to foster interconnected, inclusive health ecosystems that enable the optimisation of benefits to be gained by all from living within this digital era.
Such an ecosystem supportive infrastructure empowers citizens, care providers, and local software developers to be innovative to best meet the service needs of individuals in any location.
[1] PATH. (2016). Data Use Partnership: Theory of Change. Retrieved 22 December from